Master the skills you need to become a welder with Earlbeck’s comprehensive welding classes in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Typical classes take anywhere from four to six weeks to complete, and the entire training program can be finished in a three- to eight-month period. All classes are offered during the daytime and evening hours, making our classes ideal for people with busy schedules. In addition to offering flexible hours for class curriculum, we also provide frequent and ongoing classes throughout the duration of the year. This way, you can start your welding training at any given time of the respective year.
The path to a welding career starts with the Fundamentals of Welding class, where you will learn the basics of the major welding processes. After fundamentals, you may choose an intermediate class in either Shielded Metal Arc Welding (Stick), Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG), or Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG). Each of these classes works toward plate certification to a common welding code. Upon completion of an intermediate class, you may choose to proceed to pipe welding with the advanced class in the same welding process. Receive the specialized training you need to prepare you for and to advance your career in welding. Welder certifications come standard within our intermediate and advanced courses so that you’re prepared to land a job right away.
We also offer single day courses in Welding Symbols, Weld Inspection, and Welding Basics. At Earlbeck, we also offer various advanced welding courses in addition to our basic welding classes. You can find everything you need to learn to become a professional welder and to make a career in the trade right here at Earlbeck. Earlbeck has been in the industry for over a century now. With decades of experience in welding training and certifications, there’s no better school to shape you for your career in welding.
Discover more about our welding classes in Pennsylvania and Maryland by calling us today.